Law enforcement and intelligence agencies are not synonymous

My latest column in The Hill breaks down a common misconception regarding the law enforcement and intelligence communities, and conveys the urgency for citizens to be more responsible for their own safety and security. Please click here to read the article and feel...

The Importance of Breaking Down Silos in Security Leadership

As a corporate security leader, I wave witnessed a trend in where the leadership of security functions have been broken down into silos based on specific niche functions (such as data security, Investigations, Loss Prevention, Physical Security) and allowed to operate...

The truth about sanctuary cities

My April 13th, 2017 column in The Hill​ is an in-depth, historical look at the highly politicized sanctuary city issue and the potentially dangerous precedents it sets. Please click here to read it, share it, and discuss  it as I’d love to hear your...

The Hill: States are gambling with law enforcement safety

My Sunday, February 12, 2017 piece in The Hill discusses the discrepancies in state laws that classify a peace officer in one state, but that same position is just a guard in another state; and how this failure to standardize roles is putting police and corrections...

America needs security, not the appearance thereof (The Hill)

In this week’s column in The Hill, I question America’s resolve and preparedness to address the continual rise of violence facing society. Does America learn from past attacks here and abroad, or is it collectively just trying to ‘get back to...