In this piece for Security Magazine, I discuss the recent Capital Gazette shooting and recently released FBI report on behavioral indicators for active shooter prevention and the workplace responsibility for safety & security of staff and stakeholders. Question...
From the one-room, Amish schoolhouse in West Nickel Mines, PA to Sandy Hook, CT and Parkland, FL; Americans are being issued constant reminders of the vital need to secure its schools. As someone who is Board Certified in Security Management and a registered expert...
On Thursday, January 26th; A. Benjamin Mannes will be joining a panel of experts to address Gangs and cover the new book: “THE GANG LIFE: LAUGH NOW CRY LATER – SUPPRESSION AND PREVENTION” at the Union League in Philadelphia; Lincoln Memorial Hall at...
On August 18, 2017; A. Benjamin Mannes appeared on an in-depth report about the Charlottesville Protests on the One America News Network. Mannes was asked to comment because of his experience as a special event security consultant and member of the DC Metropolitan...
This article in The Hill poses the question of whether there a correlation between the growing anti-enforcement political climate and a rise in violent crime. The article specifically uses the example of the current heated race for Philadelphia District Attorney where...