Thanks to Security Magazine for publishing my latest piece which unpacks and analyzes the issue of safety & security in America’s schools; and why little has been done to actually secure them almost 20 years after the attacks at Columbine. Please click here...
Published on July 13, 2016 in the [Phoenix] Arizona Republic following the mass shootings in Orlando and Dallas. My Turn: Too often, lawmakers turn their attention to solutions that won’t work. Here are a few that will. by A. Benjamin Mannes, CPP In...
Aired on the Comcast Network (Philadelphia, Boston, etc.) on Aug 25, 2013 With students returning to school, their security and safety remain a number one priority, especially in light of the Newtown, CT massacre and recent college campus shootings. Many proposals...
Published on December 31, 2012 following the mass-shooting incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School. AS A FORMER law-enforcement officer, homeland security inspector and intelligence analyst for both federal and municipal jurisdictions (and a law-abiding registered...