To Address Corruption, Pennsylvania Must Change Laws That Enable It

Ariel Benjamin Mannes recently contributed to BigTrial. Below is an excerpt from the article. For the full article, click here  “When most Americans think of corruption, images of the Daley machine in Chicago, Tammany Hall in New York and New Orleans’ timeline...
Three Crucial Compliance Trends For 2020

Three Crucial Compliance Trends For 2020

With 2020 already nearing its second quarter, a variety of compliance-related trends have started to rear their heads — some with the potential to further change the face of compliance as we currently know it.  This article lists several trends to watch as the...

“Are Your Security Systems Interoperable?”

Ariel Benjamin Mannes was recently featured in Security Magazine, discussing the construction and management of interoperable security systems. Below is an excerpt from the article. For the full article, click here.  Twenty-three years ago, when I worked with the...