As published this morning in The Hill: Last weekend violent riots broke out in Milwaukee, WI, following the police shooting of 23-year old Sylville Smith, who was armed with a stolen semiautomatic handgun during a foot pursuit. Civil protests turning violent is...
Today, I was published in The Hill, in regards to the US Justice Department, Civil Rights Division’s release of a scathing, 163 page report on Wednesday, detailing their investigation into the Baltimore City Police Department (BPD). The report concluded that BPD...
Published on July 13, 2016 in the [Phoenix] Arizona Republic following the mass shootings in Orlando and Dallas. My Turn: Too often, lawmakers turn their attention to solutions that won’t work. Here are a few that will. by A. Benjamin Mannes, CPP In...
Published July 6, 2016 following the Congressional “sit-in” that followed the terrorist attack on an Orlando Nightclub, demanding that all persons on the “Terrorism Watch List” be restricted from obtaining a firearm. By A. Benjamin MannesAs a...
Published on December 31, 2012 following the mass-shooting incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School. AS A FORMER law-enforcement officer, homeland security inspector and intelligence analyst for both federal and municipal jurisdictions (and a law-abiding registered...