As published this morning in The Hill: Last weekend violent riots broke out in Milwaukee, WI, following the police shooting of 23-year old Sylville Smith, who was armed with a stolen semiautomatic handgun during a foot pursuit. Civil protests turning violent is...
Today, I was published in The Hill, in regards to the US Justice Department, Civil Rights Division’s release of a scathing, 163 page report on Wednesday, detailing their investigation into the Baltimore City Police Department (BPD). The report concluded that BPD...
Published on July 16, 2016 following the assisinations of Law Enforcement Officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge brought upon by harsh rhetoric toward policing practices in America. By A. Benjamin Mannes The horrifying carnage in Dallas following the recorded police...
Published on July 13, 2016 in the [Phoenix] Arizona Republic following the mass shootings in Orlando and Dallas. My Turn: Too often, lawmakers turn their attention to solutions that won’t work. Here are a few that will. by A. Benjamin Mannes, CPP In...
Published July 6, 2016 following the Congressional “sit-in” that followed the terrorist attack on an Orlando Nightclub, demanding that all persons on the “Terrorism Watch List” be restricted from obtaining a firearm. By A. Benjamin MannesAs a...