Mannes to partner with SERAPH to help secure America’s Schools

From the one-room, Amish schoolhouse in West Nickel Mines, PA to Sandy Hook, CT and Parkland, FL; Americans are being issued constant reminders of the vital need to secure its schools. As someone who is Board Certified in Security Management and a registered expert...

Improving Exam Security from a Realistic Approach

In preparing for my upcoming presentation; “Best Practices: Exam Integrity in the Age of Convenience” at the 2017 ICE Exchange, October 25th in New Orleans – I wrote the following article as an update on test security/exam integrity. I look forward...

The Three Interconnected Components of Security

My latest professional article in LinkedIn details some basic components needed to create a comprehensive security program within a professional organization. It’s intended to prevent the compartmentalization and failure to designate appropriate security leaders...

The Need for Comprehensive Transportation Security

On May 3, 2017; I wrote an extensive article on LinkedIn as an in-depth examination for the need of increased security focus in the transportation sector, especially among Ports and Transit Agencies. It is an analysis of Transportation Security Administration (TSA)...